Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Autumn - Autumn Treasure Hunt

Everyone loves spending time outside in the FALL. It's always so pretty with the leaves changing color and the chill in the air. I think this is a perfect time to spend some time with our families enjoying nature and the great outdoors. Why not send your students on an AUTUMN TREASURE HUNT?

As you can see above....there is a TREASURE HUNT sheet with some adventures to have the children go on with their families. They will be using their senses while seeking to find, collect, listen, and smell things. Use the other set of leaves to decorate a paper bag for each student to place items into while hunting for AUTUMN outside. You may decide to invite your students to bring their AUTUMN TREASURES to class the next day to share what they were able to collect. For each of the leaves on the TREASURE HUNT sheet encourage the children to color them in after they have found what they are hunting for.

Happy Hunting!

If you would like a copy of the PDF file for the AUTUMN TREASURE HUNT...please email Miss Jennifer at creativekritters@gmail.com.

1 comment:

  1. I would love to get copies of 2 pdf files - 'autumn treasure hunt' and 'fall matching game' - send to arendjewhidden@gmail.com - thank you so much -
